Some close human relationships inspire a sublime degree of personal happiness, others lead to nothing but conflict and heart-rending unhappiness. Why do you feel an instant rapport with one person at first meeting and, for no apparent reason, find another who turns you off, or even repels you? The mysteries of compatibility intrigue mankind and yet astrology, the oldest science known to man, can supply many answers to the riddle.
Let's take a look at some of the fundamental characteristics of each sign because they will play a significant role in determining compatibility when two people get together in a close personal relationship.

ARIES (Party of One)
Aries are the pioneers of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: March 21 to April 19
Symbol: The Ram
Motto: "I am me--you're not!"
Key phrase: I am!
Keyword: Action
Virtue: Courage
Defect: Arrogance
Qualities: Cardinal-Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and the ruling planet is Mars, the planet of action. People born under the sign of Aries are action-oriented and competitive. They strive to be first in everything, often to the point of ignoring the rights and feelings of others. If they can learn to temper their aggressiveness with diplomacy and tact they can accomplish much. They are natural leaders. They like to start things for others to finish because they become bored and want to move on to some new challenge.
Aries tend to be: dynamic, impulsive, quarrelsome, easily bored, selfish, aggressive, enthusiastic, and forceful.
Some of the typical interests of Aries are: themselves, challenges of any sort, being a leader, starting things for others to finish. The have a basic pioneer nature. They also tend to be warlike.
Aries have great willpower and confidence in themselves. If they can learn to love and respect others and to act with wisdom, there is virtually no limit to their accomplishments.
Aries will never admit defeat. They will keep on fighting and striving until they either succeed or death takes over them. They ask no quarter, and give none.
Notable Aries Types:
Thomas Jefferson, US president
Marlon Brando, actor
John Tyler, US president
Gloria Steinem, writer-editor
Gregory Peck, actor
Maya Angelou, poet-writer
Joseph Campbell, mythologist-writer
Diana Ross, singer

TAURUS (The Comfort Zone)
Taureans are the accumulators and builders of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: April 20 to May 20
Symbol: The Bull
Motto: "It's mine, once it's on sale!"
Key phrase: I have!
Keyword: Possessions
Virtue: Reliability
Defect: Stubbornness
Qualities: Fixed-Earth
Ruling Planet: Venus
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of beauty and grace. Taureans like the good things in life and usually focus their energies on acquiring material possessions and money. They pursue with great zest everything that will satisfy their desires... this can be pleasure, comfort, wealth.
Taureans appreciate beautiful things whether it be art, music, or nice clothing.
Taureans are very stable people and are reliable, although usually quite stubborn.
Some of the characteristics of Taurus are: materialism, greed, laziness, patience, practicality, steadiness, and endurance. They are somewhat slow, but always finish what they start.
Some of the interests of Taurus are: comfort and possessions of all sorts.
These people are fiercely loyal to their friends, often burdening themselves with their friends' problems. They are also very jealous people, usually to the extreme. They tend to not to be too aware of themselves or their motives. They are great planners, and then they will work hard to make those plans materialize.
Notable Taurus Types:
Harry Truman, US president
Andre Agassi, tennis pro
Glenda Jackson, actress
Liberace, pianist
Katharine Hepburn, actress
Karl Marx, philosopher
Jessica Lange, actress

GEMINI (Two for the Road)
Geminis are the salesmen and communicators of the zodiac. They are also the noncomformists of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: May 21 to June 21
Symbol: The Twins
Motto: "I'm interested so let's talk about it some more!"
Key phrase: I think!
Keyword: Variety
Virtue: Alertness
Defect: Shallowness
Qualities: Mutable-Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mercury the planet of mentality and communication. Geminis are probably the most intelligent people of the zodiac. They have quick minds and are curious about virtually everything. The only problem is that they rarely have any self-discipline. Therefore, they lack the staying power to finish what they start. They are the "Jack-of-all-trades and master of none." If a Gemini acquires self-discipline, there is nothing he or she cannot achieve.
Geminis are the happiest when they are involved in many pursuits at the same time. Mostly they prefer intellectual activities such as philosophy, writing, talking, or thinking up things for others to do.
Geminis strive to acquire calmness because they are in danger of "burning out" their nervous system since they are almost always stressing so much.
Geminis tend to be: fickle, superficial, witty, inquisitive, intelligent and versatile.
Some Gemini interests are: communication of all sorts, travel, being a know-it-all, learning, talking, writing and reading.
Notable Gemini Types:
John F. Kennedy, US president
Isadora Duncan, dancer
Bob Dylan, musician
Marilyn Monroe, actress
John Denver, musician
Steffi Graf, tennis pro
Patti Labelle, musician

CANCER (Call Me Mama)
Cancers are the homemakers of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: June 22 to July 22
Symbol: The Crab
Motto: "It hurts to say goodbye--so don't go!"
Key phrase: I feel!
Keyword: Tenacity
Virtue: Caring
Defect: Combative
Qualities: Cardinal-Water
Ruling Planet: Moon
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the Moon. Cancer is the most sensitive sign and is the strongest of the water signs.
Home and family life are of the utmost importance to Cancers, and they will do whatever is necessary to establish and protect their domestic security.
Cancers are easily hurt by the slights of other people. These are very complex people, sometimes appearing extremely strong and at other times seem to be as vulnerable as a child. Very few people ever really understand Cancers; therefore they never receive the necessary understanding from others.
Cancers are very loving people. Once a love is begun, they never stop loving. However, they can be very cruel enemies. These people are usually shy, even timid, moody, and react more from intuition or emotion rather than from reason.
They are the masters of the art of passive resistance. They can be directed through kindness, but if forced, they become immovable.
Cancers tend to be: moody, domesticated, family-oriented, sensitive, emotional, and tenacious.
Some Cancer interests are: home, security, and love of country.
Notable Cancer Types:
Calvin Coolidge, US president
Tom Hanks, actor
Meryl Streep, actress
Robin Williams, actor-comedian
Phyllis Diller, comedian
John Glenn, astronaut-politician
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, psychiatrist

LEO (Hear Me Roar)
Leos are the entertainers (sometimes clowns) of the zodiac. The are also the "ones-in-charge."
Birth Dates: July 23 to August 22
Symbol: The Lion
Motto: "The show must go on--starring me!"
Key phrase: I will!
Keyword: Power
Virtue: Magnanimous or Noble
Defect: Ostentatious or Show-offs
Qualities: Fixed-Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the Sun. These are noble and generous people, although they often possess over-sized egos. They are over-confident, blunt and outspoken. These characteristics often cause them to lose friends. Leos are courageous and loyal. They like to be in charge.
Leos are strongly attracted to the opposite sex.
Woe be unto anyone who hurts a Leo's child!
Leo's tend to be: romantic, idealistic, ambitious, egotistical, temperamental, loyal, enthusiastic, generous, optimistic, domineering and affectionate
Some Leo interests are: sports and games, achievement, fun, being in the spotlight, and children (especially theirs).
Notable Leo Types:
Stanley Kubrick, film director
Martha Stewart, entrepreneur
Andy Warhol, artist
Kathleen Battle, coloratura soprano
Bill Clinton, US president
Kathie Lee Gifford, television personality

VIRGO (Tidying Up)
Virgos are the craftsmen of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: August 23 to September 22
Symbol: The Virgin
Motto: "I'm making a list--and checking it twice!"
Key phrase: I analyze!
Keyword: Service
Virtue: Thoroughness
Defect: Pettiness or Fussiness
Qualities: Mutable-Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mercury. Virgos constantly search for knowledge.
Virgos are very detail-conscious and do well in any line of work that requires exactness. Virgos are practical and efficient.
The single greatest defect of Virgos is that they are very critical of others... even to the point of being judgmental. If they overcome this negative trait, they can attain the highest spiritual achievement in life.
Sometimes they become so immersed with the details that they lose sight of the bigger picture. They also tend to worry a lot which can adversely affect their health. If they learn to discipline their minds to think constructive thoughts, they then tend to have good health and can be of great benefit to humanity. Virgos often go into some branch of the medical profession.
Probably more Virgos remain unmarried than any of the other signs because they have difficulty in finding anyone who measures up to their high standards.
Virgos tend to be: critical, methodical, neat, reliable, practical, mental, industrious and cautious.
Some Virgo interests are: fault finding, helping to improve others, work, details and perfection.
Notable Virgo Types:
William H. Taft, US president
Sophia Loren, actress
Sean Connery, actor
Chrissie Hynde, musician
D. H. Lawrence, writer
Lily Tomlin, comedian
Leonard Bernstein, conductor

LIBRA (Taking Turns)
Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: September 23 to October 23
Symbol: The Scales
Motto: "We're in this together--so let's share!"
Key phrase: I balance!
Keyword: Harmony
Virtue: Fairness
Defect: Indecisiveness
Qualities: Cardinal-Air
Ruling Planet: Venus
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet of beauty and grace.
Libras are rarely loners, they want and need companionship. Thus marriage is very important to them. Also, they prefer an occupation that brings them in partnership with others or at least brings them close contact with people. They make good counselors and judges as they can see clearly both sides of an issue. However, this ability to see an issue from all sides frequently gives them a problem in making decisions, especially concerning minor matters. For instance, it may take a Libra hours just to pick out a blouse or shirt when there is a selection to choose from.
Libras are rarely lazy. They work hard, and also demand that their partners work just as hard. They have a strong sense of of justice and fair play. They rarely express anger, but when they do it is usually a "storm." Their anger subsides quickly, however, and they do not hold grudges. Anger frequently leaves them feeling ill.
Libras tend to be: romantic, dependent, fickle, cooperative, gracious, extravagant, and somewhat materialistic.
Some of the Libra interests are: partnerships, justice, peace, companionship, beauty and social life.
Notable Libra Types:
James E. Carter, US president
Matt Damon, actor
Gwyneth Paltrow, actress
F. Scott Fitzgerald, writer
Sigourney Weaver, actress
T. S. Eliot, writer
Christopher Reeves, actor

SCORPIO (All or Nothing at All)
Scorpios are the detectives of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: October 24 to November 22
Symbol: The Scorpion
Motto: "Trust me--you really don't want to know my secrets!"
Key phrase: I desire!
Keyword: Resourcefulness
Virtue: Intense dedication
Defect: Vindictiveness
Qualities: Fixed-Water
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Scorpio is the eight sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Pluto. This is an extremely strong sign; no other sign in the zodiac is so potent for good or for evil as is Scorpio.
Scorpios have strong willpower and an intense emotional drive. Their sex drive and their interest in sex is usually very strong. Scorpios are not "half-way" people, whatever they do; they do it with intensity and completeness. They have no fear of death.
Because of their strong emotional drive, they need to keep their integrity high lest they fall into undesirable behavior such as violence, jealousy, hatred or possessiveness.
These people often become workaholics. They drive themselves hard, and usually drive others unmercifully. They despise weakness in themselves or in others.
Often they will help others, but then they expect the one whom they helped to start helping themselves. They will give a helping hand, but not for long.
Scorpios are secretive people. They are also ruthless enemies or competitors.
Scorpios tend to be: vindictive, sarcastic, heroic, forceful, cynical, secretive, determined and suspicious.
Some Scorpio interests are: sex, unraveling mysteries, money of others, and being the unseen power.
Notable Scorpio Types:
Theodore Roosevelt, US president
Grace Kelly, actress
Pablo Picasso, artist
Marie Curie, physicist-chemist
Martin Scorsese, director
Jodie Foster, actress
Robert Kennedy, politician

SAGITTARIUS (Big World Out There)
Sagittarius are the philosophers of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: November 23 to December 21
Symbol: The Archer
Motto: "I believe we're all here to do some good!"
Key phrase: I see!
Keyword: Freedom
Virtue: Hopefulness
Defect: Non-discriminating
Qualities: Mutable-Fire
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the planet of expansiveness and good fortune.
Sagittarians are honest and freedom-loving. No matter how difficult a situation becomes, there always seem to be help for them because they seem to always be under some sort of protective shield.
These are generally spiritual people, but they sometimes become narrow-minded if they are associated with a social or religious group that has limited vision.
These people call the shots as they see them without any embellishment; therefore, they are often considered to be blunt or lacking in tact.
Women Sagittarians make charming companions, but usually dislike domestic tasks and are generally quite independent.
These are idealistic people. They must learn wisdom and balance or else they become fanatics and follow blindly some narrow dogma.
People born under this sign tend to be: optimistic, friendly, argumentative and generally easy-going.
Some Sagittarius interests are: religion, philosophy, traveling (especially foreign), horses, law, books, publishing and giving advice.
Notable Sagittarius Types:
Noel Coward, songwriter-actor
Margaret Mead, anthropologist
Mark Twain, author-humorist
Tina Turner, singer
William Blake, poet-artist
Bette Midler, singer-actress

CAPRICORN (A Slow, Steady Climb)
Capricorns are the organizers of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: December 22 to January 19
Symbol: The Seagoat
Motto: "Life makes me wait--but I'm worth it!"
Key phrase: I use!
Keyword: Ambition
Virtue: Respectfulness
Defect: Condescending
Qualities: Cardinal-Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Saturn. Many astrologers consider this to be the strongest sign of the zodiac. These people are frugal, hardworking and dedicated to achieving their goals. If they can maintain their integrity, they can achieve the highest of accomplishments. If they lack integrity, they may also achieve the highest accomplishments, but they will most assuredly have the greatest of falls. A recent example of this is Richard Nixon, a Capricorn, who became president and was forced from office because of his lack of integrity. This is because the ruling planet, Saturn, always gives perfect justice... what you sow, you will reap. Sow good seed and you reap good results. Sow bad seed and you reap undesirable results.
These are practical people. They will let nothing stand in their way. They are unbeatable enemies and loyal friends. They are neat and methodical. They also are frequently "slave-drivers."
They don't function well for long in subordinate positions. They need to be in charge, even if it is in a small way. Capricorns, commonly, live to a ripe, old age. They are old when they are young, and they are young when they are old.
Capricorns tend to be: frugal, serious, ambitious, realistic, cautious, responsible, worriers, and hardworking.
Some Capricorn interests are: business, material success and being in charge.
Notable Capricorn Types:
Aristotle Onassis, business magnate
Dolly Parton, singer
J. Edgar Hoover, FBI director
Joan Baez, singer-activist
Elvis Presley, singer-actor
Marlene Dietrich, actress

AQUARIUS (Breaking the Rules)
Aquarius are the reformers of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: January 23 to February 18
Symbol: The Water Bearer
Motto: "I am a round peg in a square hole in a curved universe!"
Key phrase: I know!
Keyword: Independence
Virtue: Friendliness
Defect: Eccentricity
Qualities: Fixed-Air
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Uranus. This is the sign of brotherhood and friendship. They are loyal friends.
These are tireless workers, and prefer to work in some endeavor that has humanitarian benefits. They have great desire for material gain, but are bot greedy. They are willing to work for what they want, and do not demand more than their fair share. because they take their work seriously, they are usually a bundle of nerves inside.; this can make them get ill frequently. However, to outward appearances, they seem to be calm.
With Aquarians, what you see is what you get... they do not put on facades or affectations. They have great dislike for hypocrisy.
These are determined, stubborn, and often argumentative people. They have the ability to stir up much dislike towards themselves.
People born under this sign tend to be: tactless, independent, naive, broadminded, dogmatic, rebellious and impersonal.
Some Aquarian interests are: helping others, friends, astrology, truth and politics.
Notable Aquarius Types:
Wlliam Burroughs, novelist
Oprah Winfrey, television celebrity-actress
Thomas Edison, inventor
Helen Gurley Brown, publisher
Wolfgang Mozart, composer
Carole King, singer-songwriter

PISCES (The Art of Dreaming)
Pisceans are the martyrs of the zodiac.
Birth Dates: February 19 to March 20
Symbol: The Fishes
Motto: "With an open heart, I swim the deepest cosmic waters!"
Key phrase: I believe!
Keyword: Compassion
Virtue: Charitableness
Defect: Easily influenced
Qualities: Mutable-Water
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Neptune. These are very sensitive people who are responsive to the thoughts and feelings of others. They always want to do the right things, but usually have little willpower. They are unable to make up their own minds.
These people rarely participate in sports or strenuous activities. They are not combative. They will suffer rather than fight for their rights; they have a martyr complex.
They can be so stubborn that no one can reason with them. They also like to drift, rather than buckle down to a responsibility.
They alternate between pessimism and optimism. In fact, they alternate in much of their behavior from one extreme to the other; this is very annoying to anyone who has to live or work with them.
Generally, these are not ambitious people; they seem to be tuned in to some dream world. They often make excellent artists in all fields of art. They have hyperactive imaginations.
Pisces are blind to any faults in anyone they love.
Pisces tend to be: sensitive, impressionable, changeable, day-dreamers, compassionate, psychic, careless, and dependent.
Some interests of Pisces are: hospitals, medicine, pets, drugs, just thinking and serving others.
Notable Pisces Types:
James Madison, US president
Albert Einstein, physicist
Drew Barrymore, actress
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor
Elizabeth Taylor, actress
Kurt Cobain, singer
Tea Leoni, actress
There. The twelve signs of the zodiac. Whew! I'll be posting more profiles in the coming days including compatibility between signs, rulership of the body parts, and lots more.
Come back and discover more about yourself and the people around you. You might be surprised with what you might find out. Hope to see you guys around! 'Til next time. ;)
Thanks john for this, nice article ;)
can't wait till that next time, hehehe...
btw, tke cre!
have a good one!
thanks for visiting po. :D
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